Massachusetts Care Coordination Network (MCCN) is a Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) Community Partner that was formed in 2017 using a Lead Agency model.
The Lead Agency is Seven Hills Family Services (d.b.a. MCCN) with a strong network of Partners, all of whom have expertise in supporting people with complex LTSS and Behavioral Health needs.
Our goal is to use our deep expertise and understanding of people with complex LTSS needs to provide exceptional and comprehensive care coordination that integrates care, reduces health disparities and creates a solid partner network throughout Massachusetts that can respond to the needs of historically vulnerable populations.
MCCN supports MassHealth Members with complex Long Term Services and Supports (LTSS) needs. Our goal is to ensure that children, adults, and seniors with disabling conditions and chronic illnesses in need of long-term care have a choice, control and access to a full range of quality services that ensure optimal outcomes, such as independence, health, and quality of life. People supported can have physical or cognitive impairments, brain injury, or Intellectual and Development Disabilities, including Autism.
The focus of LTSS is to assist individuals perform self-care and everyday tasks over an extended period of time. Many other supports such as housing, individual educational and employment plans, peer counseling and many technological innovations are needed for people with LTSS needs.
Seven Hills Family Services is an affiliate of Seven Hills Foundation, an Integrated Health and Human Services Network operating in more than 180 locations in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and eight countries abroad. Over 3,800 professional employees annually provide a spectrum of clinical, educational, and behavioral health supports to more than 45,485 children, adults, and seniors who have developmental, emotional, social, physical, substance use, and other significant life challenges.
Advocates supports people with brain injuries, psychiatric and cognitive disabilities, autism spectrum conditions, substance use disorders and other life challenges, and adults with disabilities who have hearing impairments. Over 20,000 individuals and families are supported annually across Eastern Massachusetts with community-based programs that are tailored to individual needs, provide choice wherever possible, and respect individual voice and autonomy.
Brockton Area Multi Services, Inc. (BAMSI) is a community-based organization dedicated to supporting individuals with serious and persistent mental illness/mental health needs, intellectual/developmental disabilities, brain injury, and complex medical needs. With 125 locations in 40 communities throughout the Commonwealth, including 90 residential homes and nearly 20 day programs, BAMSI provides a continuum of supports to over 30,000 individuals and families a year.
The Boston Center for Independent Living (BCIL) was created by people with disabilities seeking full integration into society. 70% of BCIL’s staff and board are people with disabilities. The Center’s individual services and systemic advocacy address areas critical to people with disabilities, including housing, healthcare, employment, long-term care, transportation, adaptive technology, communications, civil rights law, and education.
Springwell, Inc. offers in-home care and related services that help older adults as they face the challenges that come with aging and helps guide Individuals and their families through the complex, long-term care system. Springwell acts as a single point of entry for home care services, which include housekeeping, meal preparation, personal care, home health services, adult day care, caregiver “respite” relief, and money management.